Meta-Braze Au 827

Product Uses and Applications

High purity gold containing brazing alloys find use in a variety of applications including electronic components, imaging equipment, oil and gas and chemical. The alloys in this range are normally selected because of their ability to withstand chemical attack and retain strength at elevated temperature in service or because they can be produced in ultra ure V1 grade, sometimes called vacuum tube grade.

Meta-Braze Au 827conforms to ISO 17672:2016 and produces small smooth fillets that do not disturb the gas flow in aero-engines. It offers joint strength up to temperatures of 500°C and oxidation resistance up to 800°C.

Optimum joint gaps at brazing temperature are in the range of 0.025-0.1mm. Most applications involve a vacuum brazing operation.

Key ProductsAuCuNiAgPdMnMelting Range °CAMSAWS A5.8EN1044:1999ISO 17672:2016Product Info
Meta-Braze Au 82782-18---9504787BAu-4AU105Au 827 V1View product info

Meta-Braze Au 827

Meta-Braze Au 827 is a widely specified high purity gold-nickel alloy with a eutectic composition. It is extensively used in aerospace components and thermionic valve / vacuum tube devices as well as in other specialised applications. Meta-Braze Au 827 has excellent high temperature strength up to 500˚C and oxidation resistance up to 800°C making it suitable for aero-engine components. Meta-Braze Au 827 is suitable for brazing components that operate at elevated temperatures in ultra high vacuum, such as vacuum tube devices.

Product Forms

  • wire
  • powder
  • braze-paste
  • foil
  • preform
  • rings